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KB00022603 Web Proxy Quickstart Guide

The Mailtraq Proxy make it possible for every machine on your network to browse the Internet web pages through a single dial-up connection.

Configuring Mailtraq

Mailtraq's Web Proxy is enabled by default, but follow these steps to ensure it is active and correctly configured

  1. Go to Options -> Services
  2. If no WWW Server (HTTP) exists on port 8080, then click on Add and select HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) from the menu.
  3. Select the WWW Server (HTTP) on port 8080 and click on Properties.
  4. Make sure the Provide HTTP Proxy Services is checked

  5. Click on the Web Proxy tab
  6. If you want Mailtraq to connect to the Internet on demand (when a machine tries to connect to a web site) then check the Enable Dialup option, and click on Settings and verify the time-out options
  7. If you do want to connect on demand, but want the user to verify this through a special web page, then check the Conditional... option

Configuring the Web Browsers

You must now configure each Web Browser to use the Mailtraq Proxy. In order to do this, you must be able to refer to the machine running Mailtraq from within your network. The easiest way to do this is to refer to it by the local IP Address. If you are not sure how to determine this, click here ***.

Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. Go to the Control Panel
  2. Double-click on the Internet applet
  3. Click on the Connection tab
  4. Check the Access the Internet through a Proxy Server option
  5. In the Address field, enter the IP Address of the machine running Mailtraq
  6. In the Port field, enter 8080

    (If the Address and Port fields are disabled, then click on Advanced and enter the information there)

  7. Check Bypass proxy server for local (Intranet) addresses
  8. Click on Advanced and in the section Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with, add the first two number from your IP address (e.g. 192.168)

Configuring Netscape Communicator

  1. Run Communicator and select Preferences from the Edit menu
  2. Open the Advanced section of the tree on the left, then select Proxies
  3. Select Manual Proxy Configuration, and click on View
  4. For both HTTP and Security, enter the IP Address of the machine running Mailtraq into the Address field, and 8080 in the Port field
  5. In the section Do not use proxy servers for domains beginning with, add the first two numbers from the IP address (e.g. 192.168)
  6. Click on OK

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