KB00022806 Using the Mailtraq-Pegasus GatewayThe article explains how to set up the Pegasus mail gateway in Mailtraq, (to enable Mailtraq to be used in, for Example a NOVELL environment, without the need to setup TCP/IP & network addresses on all the workstations - it even works on DOS workstation.
Assume your Pegasus mail set up lives in a directory on your server, which you have mapped as F:\PMAIL
First, create the directories
F:\pmail\spool F:\pmail\spool\mail F:\pmail\spool\mqueue
Then in Mailtraq under Options | Services, add a gateway service, and configure it to monitor directory
Check the "enable at startup" box
Then, for each mailbox which is to use the gateway, in the mailbox's "GATEWAY" tab, check the "Gateway to KA9Q and Text Files" checkbox, and the "Pegasus" radio button
In the "Gateway directory to place messages in" box, you need
Finally, you need to define a pegasus gateway by running the PCONFIG program that comes with Pegasus Mail. The setup you need looks something like this
+---------------------- User Gateway Definition ----------------- ¦ ¦ Gateway name : [MTQ ] ¦ *New mail path : f:\pmail\spool\mail\~8 ¦ Is _ a program to run? : N ¦ *New mail search mask : *.cnm ¦ *Outgoing mail path : f:\pmail\spool\mqueue ¦ *Run for outgoing mail : ¦ *Filename format : ~d~d.CNO ¦ Run to validate address : ¦ *Reply address format : ~p <~%mailid%@yourdomain.com> ¦ Accepts SMTP addresses? : Y ¦ Simple message headers? : 'Glue' headers ¦ UUEncode attachments? : Y ¦ Burst messages? : Y Gateway processes BCC? : N ¦ Strip gateway name? : Y ¦ Force all mail through? : N ¦
The syntax is, needless to say, very important. A common mistake is to forget the final ">" in the "reply address format.
In the suggested setup, "mailid" is an environment variable which can be set in a Novell login script, or if you prefer, in the autoexec.bat file of each machine. I do it this way, because I want to use Internet addresses for my users which aren't the same as their NOVELL names.
An alternative, simpler method is to just use
¦ *Reply address format : ~p <~8@yourdomain.com>
in which case all your users will have their reply address formed from their Novell user name and Novell long name.
If you are not sure what the parameters mean, see the UDG.ZIP file that comes with Pegasus.
That's all there is to it. To add a new user, just configure a gateway in their mailbox setup as above. No TCP/IP setup or mailbox password is needed (or respected)
Author: John Raynor