KB03030601 'Mailtraq won't work' - most frequent support queriesIf you are struggling to get Mailtraq working, check the questions and answers below. These cover 60% of the installation support calls we receive, so the chances are this will get you running.
1 - Mailtraq will not receive mail from the Internet:
A: Make sure your Domain Name is set correctly in the properties of Options | Server. Your domain name is the part after the @ symbol in your organisation's email address.
2: - Mailtraq will not send mail out to the Internet. It just sits in the Outbox.
A1: In Options | Outgoing Mail | Remote Mailserver tab, use the middle option: Use MX resolution using the DNS servers below.
A2: How does Mailtraq think it is connected to the Internet? Make sure it is set correctly: Options | Server | Online
3: - I cannot send mail from my email client to Mailtraq.
A: Make sure that you have entered the IP addresses of your Local Area Network correctly at the Options | Server | LAN tab. You specify a range of IP addresses with an asterisk. For example, the entry 192.168.0.* covers to
If the above did not answer your question, see the Help menu in the program itself. This has been written from a user's perspective (not by programmers).
Further free support is available in the Knowledgebase.
Other support options are outlined here. |