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The Knowledgebase contains the latest information on configuring and using Mailtraq, and should be used in conjunction with the online Help File included with the program.

Articles cover installation issues, interoperability, and general techniques outside the scope of standard descriptive documentation.

Many of the articles are based on contributions from users and resellers. If you have developed a technique which you feel would be of value to others please contact us.

If you cannot find the information you require, try the search engine.

Latest additions to the Knowledgebase:

Advanced Features
KB00060101 Using Multi-Homed Services
KB00060102 User Management through Scripting

KB02052101 Mailtraq behaves unpredicatably if anti-virus software is incorrectly installed
KB02052102 Designing an anti-virus strategy for your organisation
KB00032801 Using Norton Anti Virus with Mailtraq
KB03021801 Infomation for anti-virus vendors applying for integration assistance

KB01120811 Hiding From field in Archives
KB01040902 Using Archives with Mailing Lists
KB03030701 Archiving messages to disk

Client configuration
KB02012807 Outlook XP
KB02012801 Internet Explorer Mail (3.0)
KB02012802 Forté Agent
KB02012803 Eudora Mail
KB02012804 Pegasus Mail
KB02012805 Outlook '97
KB02012806 Outlook '98 and Outlook Express

KB02050201 Troubleshooting unexpected dial-ups
KB01120802 Multilink PPP with ISDN
KB01120803 When downloading large e-mails Mailtraq disconnects before completing
KB00030601 Why is all my outbound mail stuck in the outbox?

KB02050401 Using the FTP Proxy service

General Configuration
KB01032801 Using Mailtraq with DSL or ADSL
KB01040901 Why doesn't Mailtraq always collect POP3 mail when I go online?
KB00022607 Identifying the Mailtraq Server's IP Address
KB00060701 Using a Network Router with Mailtraq
KB03041101 Backing up your Mailtraq installation

Getting Started
KB02051001 Collecting and routing POP3 email
KB00022602 E-Mail Quickstart Guide
KB00022603 Web Proxy Quickstart Guide
KB00022605 Using the Web Administrator
KB00022608 Getting Started with Mailing Lists
KB03030601 'Mailtraq won't work' - most frequent support queries
KB03032501 SMTP service will not start, prevents outbound mail handling

KB02052301 Using 'Temporary addresses' to reduce SPAM
KB01080201 Preventing Mail Relay Abuse
KB00022804 The Aliases File
KB00022806 Using the Mailtraq-Pegasus Gateway
KB00022808 How does Mail Barring work?
KB00030302 Sending Mail without a Smart Host
KB01121001 Why are there mail messages stuck in my Outbox?
KB01120906 Correcting a broken outbox
KB01120905 What is the general procedure for clearing outgoing mail problems?
KB01120810 Creating ASCII files from incoming mail instead of routing it
KB00030601 Why is all my outbound mail stuck in the outbox?

Mail - outbound
KB00030302 Sending Mail without a Smart Host
KB01121001 Why are there mail messages stuck in my Outbox?
KB01120906 Correcting a broken outbox
KB01120905 What is the general procedure for clearing outgoing mail problems?
KB00030601 Why is all my outbound mail stuck in the outbox?

Mailing lists
KB00022805 What do the terms used in Mailing Lists mean?
KB01040902 Using Archives with Mailing Lists

KB01120804 Mailtraq fails with multiple/parallel connections to a news server
KB00022803 Choosing a News Collection Method
KB00022606 Turning Mailing Lists into News Groups

KB01120901 Using the Content Barring (blacklists/whitelists)
KB01120903 Why does content barring only report the user guest?
KB03031402 Configuring web proxy content barring

Remote Administration & Monitoring
KB03011001 Remote administration using Terminal Services
KB03031403 Remote monitoring of outbound email service

KB01120902 Autoresponding to external mail only

KB01120904 Why do some email attachments get renamed to .TxT ?
KB00022601 Guide to Mailtraq Security

KB01120806 What is the error [553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)]?
KB03032501 SMTP service will not start, prevents outbound mail handling

KB02050601 How do I move mail from the Remote POP3 mailbox?
KB02050602 POP3 email routing suddenly stops working
KB01120805 Error: 'Out of bufferspace' using Mailtraq Proxy
KB01120807 What is the error 'Too many concurrent connections from one IP address' ?
KB01120801 What is the purpose of the lost found directory?
KB01120803 When downloading large e-mails Mailtraq disconnects before completing
KB00062301 Recovering from Mailtraq Startup Problems following a system crash
KB00030601 Why is all my outbound mail stuck in the outbox?

User Management
KB00060102 User Management through Scripting
KB00022401 Importing Student Lists
KB00030301 Allowing only some local users to send mail remotely

KB03031401 Setting up a multi-domain WebMail system

   Copyright © 2003 - 2010 Enstar Ltd, Enstar LLC & Fastraq Ltd. All rights reserved.
   Mailtraq® is a registered trademark of Fastraq Limited.